
Kalamazoo Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

FreedomWorks praises U.S. Supreme Court nominee


Judge Amy Coney Barrett | stock photo

Judge Amy Coney Barrett | stock photo

U.S. Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett believes the Constitution is the “supreme law of the land,” the policy director of a Washington-based organization, FreedomWorks, told WJR's "The Frank Beckmann Show."

“She reflects a lot of the principles that we believe in at FreedomWorks,” Sarah Anderson told Beckmann. “The role of the judiciary, the role of the Supreme Court, especially, is simply to call balls and strikes on what is and is not constitutional, as the Constitution is written and laws, as they are written.”

Anderson agrees with Barrett’s "originalist" interpretation of laws.

Sarah Anderson, Policy Director | FreedomWorks

“I think it’s exactly what we need on the Supreme Court all the time,” Anderson told Beckmann. “I think that’s what has the left so worried because they don’t seem to care about the Constitution anymore."

There is “nothing objectionable” about Barrett, Anderson said, predicting she will be confirmed to the high court.

“She is extremely qualified; she is a very classy nominee as well,” Anderson said on the radio program.

She noted that Senate Democrats seemed worried about whether Barrett will vote to overturn the Affordable Care Act.

“I think they know that this precious law of theirs is unconstitutional, and they don’t have an answer otherwise,” Anderson told Beckmann. “That seems to be why they’re so terrified and continue to bring that up. You would think they were in a hearing on Obamacare, not a hearing on a Supreme Court justice, which is absolutely ridiculous.”

Congress, over the last few decades, has abdicated much of its Constitutional authority to the executive branch, according to Anderson.

“The statutes are so vague... that leaves so much up the executive branch, which then naturally falls to the judiciary,” she said. “We have other branches of government that are effectively creating policy, and that’s the wrong way to go.”

FreedomWorks supports free enterprise and constitutionally limited government, according to its website.