
Kalamazoo Times

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

ATYP Offers Students Advanced Classes in English, Math


Kalamazoo Public Schools | Free CCO Credit

Kalamazoo Public Schools | Free CCO Credit

The Academically Talented Youth Program (ATYP) at Western Michigan University offers advanced and accelerated math and English classes for students beginning in seventh and eighth grade. 

ATYP gives participating students a way to learn challenging material at an accelerated pace, engage with other academically advanced students, develop a strong work ethic and grow valuable study skills. 

Many ATYP students go on to attend the Kalamazoo Area Math and Science Center and select four-year universities. ATYP students come to the WMU campus one or two afternoons a week to attend class with other students from throughout Southwest Michigan. 

Tuition is paid for by the students’ home school districts. Families pay a per-semester registration fee that is waived if the family qualifies for free or reduced-price lunch. 

Students can enroll in ATYP after receiving qualifying scores on an entrance exam or through a portfolio process. Sixth and seventh grade students who have recently received an email or letter from the ATYP office are encouraged to test for entrance for the 2023–24 school year. 

Families can learn more about ATYP by attending an informational session. Families unable to attend that day are welcome to attend a presentation at any other location. Virtual presentation dates will also be available. The complete dates, times, and locations of the meetings will be listed at www. wmich.edu/precollege/atyp/qualifying

ATYP also offers an AP Computer Science A class that is available to any student who has completed Algebra I. No minimum test score is required for this class. APCSA teaches students programming skills and analytical thinking by using multimedia labs in the Java programming language. Any student interested in learning to program is welcome to participate in this yearlong course which meets two afternoons per week on the WMU campus. 

For more information, visit wmich.edu/precollege/atyp or email atyp-info@wmich.edu or call (269) 387-3553.

Original source can be found here.