
Kalamazoo Times

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Pols: County to again conduct 'mosquito and tick surveillance beginning in May, in order to notify citizens on steps they can take to reduce disease transmission'

Deer tick 1200

Ticks are known carriers of Lyme disease. | Erik Karits/Unsplash

Ticks are known carriers of Lyme disease. | Erik Karits/Unsplash

With spring upon us, the Kalamazoo County Health and Community Services Department's Environmental Health Division is urging residents to safeguard against mosquito and tick bites.

Michigan is known for mosquito-based viruses like West Nile, Jamestown Canyon and Eastern Equine Encephalitis, and ticks can transmit Lyme disease; a recent news release from the department said.

"As in past years, Kalamazoo County Environmental Health is planning mosquito and tick surveillance beginning in May, in order to notify citizens on steps they can take to reduce disease transmission this summer," Lucus Pols, Environmental Health Division chief, said in the release.

A virus can be spread to human beings from just one infected mosquito bite. People can protect their homes by removing standing water that can collect in various places (birdbaths, flower pots, buckets, old tires, etc.).

"To keep mosquitos out of your house, repair any ripped or torn window screens; and keep windows, screens and doors shut," the release said. "Mosquitos are also attracted to light, so minimize outdoor lighting around your house after dark."

People can further protect themselves when going outside by wearing long-sleeve shirts, baggy pants and long socks.

To protect your home from ticks, check for and remove them from your clothing when you go inside, particularly if you have been near tall grass or brush, the department said. Also, utilize repellent "with permethrin to repel biting insects," and adjust the time you spend outside during dusk and dawn, which is the optimal period that mosquitoes are active.  

For more information, visit the Centers for Disease Control website at CDC.gov/mosquitoes and CDC.gov/ticks.