
Kalamazoo Times

Thursday, January 30, 2025

MEDIUM COVID-19 Community Transmission Level


Kalamazoo County has moved to a MEDIUM COVID-19 Community Transmission Level. In the medium level everyone is encouraged to use available, effective strategies to prevent and reduce the spread of illness in our community, including:

Get vaccinated and stay up-to-date on your COVID-19 vaccines (https://vaccinefinder.org).

Seek testing if feeling ill or if you have been exposed.

Stay away from others if you are feeling ill or recently exposed, waiting for test results, or have tested positive. If you test positive, talk to your doctor right away about treatment options to prevent severe illness.

Maintain improved ventilation throughout indoor spaces when possible.

Reminder: The COVID-19 community level can change based on a variety of factors including new hospitalizations and case rate per 100,000. This level will continue to change in the future and we recommend Kalamazoo County residents stay aware of the COVID-19 community level by following the Kalamazoo County Social Media Pages.

For more info, visit: www.kalcounty.com/hcs/datahub/covid19.php

Original source can be found here.